- CorMID::isotopesA data frame containing isotope information.
- CorMID::known_fragsThe known fragments and their relative position to '[M+H]'.
- CorMID::precalc_idxPre-calculated index matrices to speed up calculations in function 'getMID'.
- CorMID::prepExample data as used in function 'CorMID'.
- CorrectOverloadedPeaks::mzXML_datamzXML_data.
- eCerto::CRM001An example set of data collected for a CRM.
- eCerto::LTS001An example set of data collected for a LTS monitoring.
- eCerto::cvals_DixonDixon critical values table.
- eCerto::cvals_Grubbs2Grubbs2 critical values table.
- HiResTEC::mz_shift_correctorDifferent example data files to be used in the help section of 'HiResTEC' functions.
- HiResTEC::rawDifferent example data files to be used in the help section of 'HiResTEC' functions.
- HiResTEC::res_listDifferent example data files to be used in the help section of 'HiResTEC' functions.
- HiResTEC::samDifferent example data files to be used in the help section of 'HiResTEC' functions.
- HiResTEC::xcms_candDifferent example data files to be used in the help section of 'HiResTEC' functions.
- InterpretMSSpectrum::AdductsDefault adduct lists used by 'findMAIN'.
- InterpretMSSpectrum::OrbiMS1Orbitrap spectra
- InterpretMSSpectrum::apci_spectrumAPCI spectrum
- InterpretMSSpectrum::chemical_elementsList of chemical elements.
- InterpretMSSpectrum::esi_spectrumESI spectrum
- InterpretMSSpectrum::neutral_losses_APCIA data table defining typical neutral losses in GC-APCI-MS for silylated compounds.
- InterpretMSSpectrum::neutral_losses_ESIA data table defining neutral losses in LC-ESI-MS (positive mode).
- InterpretMSSpectrum::param.defaultDefault parameter list for 'InterpretMSSpectrum'.
- IsoCor::isotopesisotopes.
- IsoCor::testdatatestdata.
- IsoCor::testdata_IDMStestdata_IDMS.
- MetabolomicsBasics::metMetabolite table
- MetabolomicsBasics::rawMetabolomics data set
- MetabolomicsBasics::samSample table