1. CorMID::isotopes
    A data frame containing isotope information.
  2. CorMID::known_frags
    The known fragments and their relative position to '[M+H]'.
  3. CorMID::precalc_idx
    Pre-calculated index matrices to speed up calculations in function 'getMID'.
  4. CorMID::prep
    Example data as used in function 'CorMID'.
  5. CorrectOverloadedPeaks::mzXML_data
  6. eCerto::CRM001
    An example set of data collected for a CRM.
  7. eCerto::LTS001
    An example set of data collected for a LTS monitoring.
  8. eCerto::cvals_Dixon
    Dixon critical values table.
    matrix|29 x 16
  9. eCerto::cvals_Grubbs2
    Grubbs2 critical values table.
    matrix|97 x 13
  10. HiResTEC::mz_shift_corrector
    Predefined mass search windows to be used internally.
  11. HiResTEC::res_list
    The main results object of a non-targeted search for tracer incorporation.
  12. HiResTEC::sam
    Sample table
  13. HiResTEC::xcms_cand
    Dataframe with putative candidates
  14. InterpretMSSpectrum::Adducts
    Default adduct lists used by 'findMAIN'.
  15. InterpretMSSpectrum::OrbiMS1
    Orbitrap spectra
  16. InterpretMSSpectrum::apci_spectrum
    APCI spectrum
  17. InterpretMSSpectrum::chemical_elements
    List of chemical elements.
  18. InterpretMSSpectrum::esi_spectrum
    ESI spectrum
  19. InterpretMSSpectrum::neutral_losses_APCI
    A data table defining typical neutral losses in GC-APCI-MS for silylated compounds.
  20. InterpretMSSpectrum::neutral_losses_ESI
    A data table defining neutral losses in LC-ESI-MS (positive mode).
  21. InterpretMSSpectrum::param.default
    Default parameter list for 'InterpretMSSpectrum'.
  22. IsoCor::isotopes
  23. IsoCor::testdata
  24. IsoCor::testdata_IDMS
  25. MetabolomicsBasics::met
    Metabolite table
  26. MetabolomicsBasics::raw
    Metabolomics data set
    matrix|120 x 112
  27. MetabolomicsBasics::sam
    Sample table